Versatile makeup is my jam. And so Maskcara’s lip+cheek combo might just be my favorite thing about Maskcara. Well, that and their magnetic compact (Learn more here). But having a blush that can double as my lipstick… I mean, c’mon!

I can’t tell you how many unused tubes of lipstick and lip gloss I had sitting in my old makeup drawer. Because despite my best efforts to choose a color I thought would look incredible on me, I failed miserably almost every single time. Until Maskcara. I am not sure how they manage to do it – magic, probably – but I love and actually wear all of their Lip + Cheek colors. And based on my past track record, that is saying a lot!

My beauty tip for those of you who are using the Maskcara Lip + Cheek as your main lip color: apply the Maskcara lip color (or colors if you are anything like me – if 1 is good, 5 must be exceptional!) onto your lips, and then lightly go over the top of it with a colorless chapstick. (This one is my favorite). This will allow your lips to get some moisture and prevent the color from settling on the inner lip. And then once you’ve applied the chapstick, dab a little bit of your favorite illuminator onto the center of the top and bottom lip. Make sure it is just in the center. And voila! You will have a perfect ombre lip!