I spend a lot of time being playful and making jokes. But I wanted to get a little personal with you, and share a story about myself.
In 2016, I brought home my 4th baby from the the hospital, making me officially a mom to 4 kids, ages 4 and under (I am now a mom to 5, and we are looking to adopt a baby girl… yikes! It’s possible I am a little on the crazy side, haha!). About half-way through my pregnancy with him, I got a severe foot injury that left me 5 months pregnant, on crutches (and later a boot), in the dead of a very snowy winter, with 3 other little ones to care for. Because of my physical limitations, I was pretty much housebound for the rest of my pregnancy. (Can you imagine wrangling 3 toddlers, in the icy snow, on crutches, while super pregnant? Yeah, me neither.)

I have always been an active and busy person, and so being cooped up was hard on me. And then once I had the baby, I had my hands pretty full, as you can image. Between 4 little kids, having my own legal practice, and trying to rehabilitate my foot through physical therapy, my time was spent. So caring for myself was put on the back burner. My hair grew way too long and got snatched back in a ponytail everyday. I only did my makeup when I had to, and even then it was done with haste. And thanks to an injury preventing me from staying active, coupled with back-to-back pregnancies, my weight had gone up. All of this created a stranger in the mirror. Someone I didn’t recognize. And someone I didn’t particularly like much.
And then my good friend introduced me to Maskcara Makeup, and it changed everything. Not only did it make me feel beautiful, but it accommodated my busy lifestyle. For the first time in a long time, I didn’t cringe when I looked in the mirror. It gave me confidence in may appearance. It made me happy. And it made me want to share it with others. I wanted to be able to help other women feel beautiful too. Because they are. YOU are. And this is part of the reason why I decided to become an artist for Maskcara.

My love for Maskcara, both the makeup and the company, has only continued to increase since I first signed up. And due to the success I have been able to achieve through this company and its game changing makeup, I have now been able to dream things bigger than I ever thought imaginable, and my goal of making my family a “full-time family” suddenly seems like an achievable dream.
So, if you’ve ever felt an ounce of this pull and calling towards something bigger and more impactful that can change the dynamics of your life and family, I would love nothing more than to take you by the hand and show you how simple it can be!

If you would like more information about the artist program, you can get it HERE and HERE. And of course, you are always welcome to shoot me an email. I am happy to answer any and all questions that you have, and there won’t be any pressure or stings attached, I promise. <3
And whether or not you have any interest in becoming an artist, or just want to become a new customer, basking in the bliss of looking fabulous in this gorgeous makeup, I look forward to continuing this new journey together – whether it be as a fellow artist and team member, or as your personal makeup artist and loyal customer/friend. I’m so glad you are here.