Maskcara Beauty rebranded themselves as Seint as a way to better reflect their mission to recognize and enhance the beauty that already exists in every face.
Maskcara Beauty (now rebranded as Seint) was founded in 2013 by makeup artist and beauty blogger, Cara Brook. Cara’s innovative and fresh take on makeup lead her to creating the revolutionary IIID Foundation. Her makeup line was groundbreaking for the industry and unlike anything else on the market.
With the intent of streamlining a woman’s makeup experience, the IIID Foundation was made to change the way women view and do their makeup. Makeup should be easy, not complicated. It should be something that takes up very little time and space in one’s life and vanity . And it should add depth and dimension to a woman’s face by simply enhancing her true beauty, instead of trying to cover it up.
Maskcara Beauty (now rebranded to Seint) started as an e-commerce business. It was sold off of Cara’s own website. Her dream was that it would one day end up as a line carried in Sephora. However, the demand for her makeup line grew. She started to receive more and more word-of-mouth sales from family, friends, and raving fans. As a result of this, Cara started to explore the option of transitioning her e-commerce business into a direct sales company.

As Cara started to dive deeper into her options with direct sales, she received the phone call she had always dreamed of: Sephora wanted to have Maskcara Beauty (now rebranded as Seint) carried in their stores. However, after having spent so much time learning about and researching the options of taking her business the direct sales route, Cara turned down Sephora. She later stated, “When Sephora called, it was like getting engaged and having the “one that got away” call and want you back.”
Cara’s decision to turn down Sephora and instead go down the direct sales route was based on a new vision she had. She didn’t just want to provide women with a revolutionary kind of makeup. She wanted to allow her makeup line to provide an opportunity for women to have a business of their own. This would allow women to provide for themselves and/or their families. And so on January 17, 2017, Maskcara Beauty’s Artist Program (now know as the Seint Artist Program) was officially opened up to the public.
Since the artist program launch in 2017, thousands of women across the United States and Canada have joined as artists for Maskcara Beauty (now rebranded as Seint). Each of these artists have helped touch the lives of hundreds of thousands of women through their makeovers and friendships.

At the end of 2020, Maskcara Beauty rebranded themselves as Seint. The purpose behind the rebrand was to better reflect their mission to recognize and enhance the beauty that already exists in every face.
Seint’s mission statement sums up what this company is all about perfectly:
Beauty connects us.
It transcends time and knows no boundaries.
Seeking, experiencing, and cultivating beauty in ourselves and the world around us is a sacred work.
And that work—our work—is beautiful.
We see beauty in every face.
Our mission is to preserve and nurture it.
Everything we do and everything we create is based on what we believe in:
That beauty matters.
That helping others look beautiful is nice,
But helping them believe they are beautiful is life changing.
Beauty is not our creation;
Beauty is our passion.
Interested in learning more about IIID Foundation? Check out this post HERE.