When we talk about covering up blemishes on our skin, most of us think about the traditional methods of covering blemishes. For that, we reach for the concealer and powder and start applying layers of both products on our skin to try and get our blemishes to not stand out so much, right? What if I told you there was another way to make your blemishes disappear. Thanks to Demi Colour, you can filter any distractions on your skin quickly and easily. Read on to see how easy filtering blemishes with Demi Colour can be.

Demi Colour Basics
Demi Colour is a revolutionary new approach to makeup theory and application. With the use of color science, you can achieve the natural look you love without layers of heavy makeup. One of the things I love most about Demi Colour is that I can celebrate my skin and face for what it is, without feeling like I’m masking my natural beauty.
As a Seint Artist trained in Demi Colour, I’ve learned the importance of using color science in makeup application. Thanks to the training I’ve completed, I now know which shades of Demi Colour will cancel out redness, hyperpigmentation, and other skin distractions. For more information on what shades to use to filter distractions on your skin, check out this blog post.
Filtering Blemishes with Demi Colour
Before you start filtering blemishes with Demi Colour, look at your face. See which blemishes are distracting to your eyes. Once you have a few chosen, it’s time to start filtering them.
The supplies you need are:
A few things to remember as you get started filtering your blemishes:
-You are addressing the excess colors on your face. You are not color correcting your skin, but color solving.
-Demi Colour is not about filtering every color you see. Once your distractions are gone it will all blend together and look seamless.
-Be careful not to touch the areas of your skin that aren’t the distraction/blemish.
-There will always be shadows within the darker blemish area, this is what you are working to filter.

Which Demi Colours Shades to Use
Brand New Blemish
If your Blemish looks pink, red, or angry (fiery red), it is most likely a true red, which means you will need to use G1. This is most common in the early stages of a brand new blemish.
Scabbed and Healing Blemish
Once your blemish starts to heal or scab over, the blemish is most likely going to start to have an excess of blue and/or purple. For the very center of the blemish, where it is darkest, you’ll likely need to use O1 or 03 to address the excess blues. And at this stage of a blemish, it will likely require the use of more than once color. If you find that the edge of the blemish are more vibrant, there is likely an excess of purple, which means you need to use Y1 or YO1.
Healed Blemish
Once a blemish has healed, it is not uncommon for dark mark to be left afterwards. This most likely is an excess of blue, and will require O1 to cover.

You’re Ready to Filter Blemishes with Demi
Now that we’ve gone over a few tips and some general info about Demi Colour, it’s time to start filtering blemishes with Demi. Grab your Spot Brush and look at your first blemish. For most blemishes, you’ll start with a red/orange shade of Demi Colour. This is because most blemishes tend to have an excess of blue.
Start with the darkest points of the blemish. Using VERY little on the tip of your Spot brush, apply the Demi Colour to only the darkest points of the blemish area. Once those areas have started to disappear into the skin, move on to the next areas of the blemish.
At this point, you’ll be amazed at the results you are seeing. Thanks to the color science you are using, the blemishes will begin to fade into your skin and virtually disappear.
Repeat these steps for any other blemishes you want to filter. As you work, remember to be careful to avoid touching the skin around the blemish you are working with. This will help you avoid applying too much Demi Colour to areas that don’t need it.
The Beauty of Filtering Blemishes with Demi Colour
Now that you are done filtering blemishes with Demi Colour, step back from the mirror and admire your natural-looking skin! The ultimate goal of Demi Colour is to filter out distractions without any visible makeup at all. Your natural beauty is shining through. To shop Demi Colour, click here. And to see more tips, tricks, and tutorials from me be sure to follow me on Instagram @thecontouredlawyer.