I’ve spoken many times about the amazing properties of Seint’s Demi Colour makeup line. I can’t stop raving about it! To help anyone that is looking for all of the information in one place, this post is for you. Keep reading for the ultimate guide to Demi Colour with everything you need to know!
What is Demi Colour?
Demi Colour is a revolutionary new approach to makeup. With color science, you are able to achieve a flawless look on your skin without covering your face in layers of makeup. This allows you to appear as if you have no makeup on, and instead just have amazing skin. For anyone who has felt let down by traditional makeup, Demi Colour is perfect for you!
The Ultimate Guide to Demi Colour from Seint Beauty

Getting Started with Demi Colour
When it comes to getting started with your very own Demi Colour shades, there are a few things to remember. One- this is not like any other makeup line you’ve used in the past. So you need to forget what you know about traditional makeup application and look at Demi Colour with fresh eyes. Two- because this isn’t like any other makeup line you’ve used, you will need to take some time to learn how to best apply it to your skin. Luckily for you, I have a few tutorials for beginners. I’ve written all about how to get started with Demi and some common do’s and don’ts for beginners.
How to Choose Your Demi Colour Shades
One of the biggest differences between Seint’s Demi Colour makeup line and their iiiD foundation is how to choose the correct shades for your skin tone. When you are purchasing iiiD foundation, you need to either take my color match quiz (here) or contact me and submit a photo of yourself so I can give you an accurate makeup recommendation. However, when you purchase Demi Colour, all you need to do is to know your skin tone. Since we aren’t covering your whole face with makeup, you just need to know if you have Light Skin (Edit I), Medium Skin (Edit II), or Dark Skin (Edit III). I’ve written all about each group of shades in detail here, here, and here.
How to Purchase Demi Colour
While the initial investment of purchasing Demi Colour may seem steep, don’t fret! I’ve got some tips for how to purchase Demi Colour for any budget. And once you know what you want to purchase, the actual process is pretty simple.
- Navigate to Seint’s Website (here)
- Click ‘Demi Colour’
- Choose the correct shades for your skin and budget (Learn more HERE)
- Add to bag
- Scroll down to ‘Brushes’
- Choose the brushes that you would like to start your Demi Colour journey with. You will definitely want to get the Spot Brush. It is essential. And I typically recommend the Shape Brush as well.
- Add the brushes to your bag. (Don’t forget the Brush Cleaner!)
- Check out by creating or logging into your account.
- Wait impatiently for your new makeup to arrive at your doorstep!

How to Apply Demi Colour
I can’t have a post on the ultimate guide to Demi Colour and not include some information about applying Demi Colour! There are many things to remember as you get started with your new Demi Colour makeup. I have written a few posts about how to apply Demi, how to use Demi Colour, and what brushes I recommend for getting started with Demi. These two posts go into great detail about the methods you need to follow for the result you are looking for. I will add one thing here, though. Don’t forget to consult the color wheel!
When you are learning to apply your Demi Colour, you may find that you are having to unlearn your old ways of makeup application. Don’t be scared. This is normal. In fact, this is why I had to become certified in Demi Colour before I was allowed to sell it as a Seint Artist. Now that I fully understand the concepts and color science behind Demi Colour, I am able to help my clients with any issues they may have. (Contact me here if you have any questions!)
How to Troubleshoot & Refine Your Application
Many of my clients find that they love Demi Colour for making hyperpigmentation disappear. They also use it for filtering blemishes on their skin. I love it for those uses, too!
Why I love Demi Colour
I love using Demi Colour on the days when I want my skin to look and feel fresh and luminous. With Demi, I don’t have to spend a long time in front of a mirror applying makeup. Instead, I can filter out a few distractions and be on my way for the day.
Another thing I love to do is to mix Demi Colour and iiiD foundation. These two formulas together are amazing. They are truly the best of both worlds. And the cream formulas of both product lines mean it’s easy to blend them into your skin and into each other.
The Ultimate Guide to Demi Colour from Seint Beauty
I hope this ultimate guide to Demi Colour from Seint Beauty has helped you to see how accessible and user-friendly Demi Colour really is. While you may have to learn a few things about color science, you won’t have to spend hours in front of the mirror wondering why your makeup just doesn’t look quite right. And you’ll be amazed by the natural results you get from using Demi Colour. Be sure to follow me on Instagram @thecontouredlawyer and YouTube for more tutorials on Seint’s products.