We all have undereye circles, whether you consider them a ‘problem area’ or not. However, there are times when these areas stand out more from the rest of our faces. Using Demi Colour to conceal undereye circles is easier than you think. And you’ll love the results you get!

What is Demi Colour?
Demi Colour is a revolutionary new approach to makeup and makeup application. Developed by Cara Brook, the founder of Seint Beauty, Demi Colour takes cream makeup to a whole new level. Instead of focusing on the face as a whole, Demi Colour focuses on specific points of distraction. This means that instead of applying the same shades of makeup to large areas of your skin, you only apply a minimal amount of color to the most distracting points of your face.
Using the color wheel and color science, Demi Colour allows you to cancel out the appearance of redness, dark tones, and other imperfections. For more on how to apply Demi Colour, check out my other post here.
When you are getting started with Demi Colour, it can be overwhelming to determine the right shades for your skin. But I’ve got you covered! I’ve written blogs on this very topic. For light-colored skin, click here. For medium skin, check out this post. And, for dark skin tones, you’ll want to read this post.
Getting Started with Using Demi Colour to Conceal Undereye Circles
Now that you know what colors are best for your skin tone, you’re ready to get started using Demi Colour to conceal undereye circles. I like to get up close and personal with my mirror when I’m applying Demi Colour to my face. That way I can be sure that I’m only applying the Demi Colour creams to the specific points of distraction on my face. This allows me to preserve the natural tone and luster of my skin and not cover it up with an unnecessary layer of makeup.
Get comfortable with your mirror and have your makeup handy. To start using Demi Colour to conceal undereye circles, grab your Spot brush. (Not sure what brush is best for your Demi Colour application? Check out this post for all the details on Demi Brushes.)
I recommend using the Spot brush for most of the points of distraction on your face when applying Demi Colour. The Spot Brush is small enough to really be precise in your application, but also not so small that it takes a long time to get the desired effect.
How to Find the Correct Color of Your Undereyes
For the vast majority of people, the skin directly under the eyes tends to have a lot of blue in it. So, first, you need to decide if the skin distractions are blue, blue-red, or blue-green. From farther away, the skin may appear to have purple undertones, but up close, you’ll likely see that it’s more of a blue-based shade.
Now, find the biggest distraction under your eyes that you want to filter with your Demi Colour. And zero in on its darkest points. You won’t be slathering concealer all over your undereyes like you may have in the past. Since we want your natural skin to shine through, we are only looking for the darkest points of the skin to filter with our Demi Colour shades.

Cara always recommends using the Level 1 shades for concealing, and I agree. These shades are great for filtering imperfections while also allowing your skin’s texture to show through. So get up close to your mirror to really determine where your darkest points are. Then use your Spot brush to lightly apply the correct shade to those areas. Start with the most noticeable points and work your way out from there to cover any other distractions you may have.
My Tips for Using Demi Colour to Conceal Undereye Circles
Remember, the amount of Demi Colour makeup you apply should be so tiny that you can’t see it when you step back from the mirror. If you apply it correctly, you won’t see any extra texture on your skin. Also, your undereyes will just blend into the rest of your cheeks and face.
Continue to gently dot the Demi Colour color edits onto the specific points of distraction under your eyes. As you do this process, you will begin to see that your undereye circles look like they’ve disappeared completely.
Everyone’s skin is different, and we all have slightly different concerns that we want to address under our eyes. Because of this, there isn’t one tutorial that will work for everyone. I recommend you take my tips and tricks for using Demi Colour to conceal undereye circles and adjust them as needed for your face.
Why Demi Colour is Perfect for Aging Skin
One more thing to remember is that our skin changes as we age. I have to remind myself and my clients that we will see more texture and fine lines around our eyes as we get older. This is normal, and this is beautiful. With Demi Colour, we can celebrate those well-earned fine lines without making them stand out with heavy makeup. Because Demi Colour is so minimally applied, you won’t see any settling in your fine lines or wrinkles that you may notice with other makeup.
Now that you know the ins and outs of using Demi Colour to conceal undereye circles, you are on your way to being a Demi pro! I love discovering new makeup techniques and sharing them with my clients and blog readers. For more videos and tutorials, be sure to check out my Instagram account HERE. And to purchase Demi Colour for yourself, click here.