If you have been here a while, you know that I am a lawyer as well as a Seint Artist. To some, it may seem odd that a practicing lawyer would join an MLM, but it has been an amazing thing for me and my family. MLMs have a bad reputation, but I want to share with you 5 ways MLMs are different than they used to be.

5 Ways MLMs are Different Than They Used to Be
#1-MLM Options
MLMs are not anything new. They have been around for a very long time. Options used to limit what types of companies you could join. But that is no longer the case. You can now find an MLM to fit any interest you have. Since there are more options available, it means anyone can find an MLM that fits into their lifestyle.
For me, Seint was the perfect fit because they have innovative products that I already used and loved. I also loved that being a part of Seint makes it easy for women to set up an online business of their own.
#2-Incorporate a Personal Brand
In the past, the focus was on selling the “name” of the MLM. Now, people are joining MLMs but creating their own personal brands. They sell a brand that fits into their lifestyle and pair it with something they enjoy doing. This means people are pairing things like makeup and travel, minimalism and home products, or even health/wellness with cooking. It has definitely become a game-changer when the people selling the products become the brand instead of the MLM company itself.
The founder of Seint, Cara Brook, chose to develop Seint as a direct sales company over having her own line in Sephora because she wanted to provide women an opportunity to build their own business.
#3-Access to an Online Audience
When looking at MLMs I think the biggest difference from how things used to be is access to an online audience. MLMs used to focus on selling to friends and family and in-person contacts. But the internet and social media have changed everything. Now there are no geographical limits to who can see and buy products from you. New audiences are available as they are scrolling on their phones or working on their computers. Those selling products can easily create interest with their audience without having to push for sales. Instead, they simply share what products they use to make their lives easier every day and how those products can solve problems for others. I personally use Instagram, YouTube, and my blog to share different Seint Beauty products and quick and easy makeup application techniques.

#4-Facebook Groups are the New In-Home Parties
When people can’t “hang out” in person, they are connecting in Facebook groups, and it is a perfect way for people selling an MLM product to connect as well. The in-home Tupperware party era has been replaced with fun online parties happening in Facebook groups. It is a perfect setup for people around the world to connect, learn about new products, and the fun and learning can last much longer than a 2-hour house party. The focus has changed from getting an immediate sale to curating meaningful long-term connections. I love that I have been able to develop and maintain connections with my customers beyond an initial in-person meeting. My customers have become some of my dearest friends, and we continue to connect as an incredible community on social media.
#5-Emphasis On Sales vs Recruitment
While recruitment is part of an MLM business, the focus of recruiting has changed. Individuals joining an MLM are not just signed up underneath someone and left on their own. Now when joining an MLM, people gain a team of people who want to help them succeed. Many teams have retreats and regular Zoom check-ins where people are connecting as they work towards having a successful business. It has become less about being a number and more about having success. Since starting with Seint, I have had the privilege of building a team, and I love getting the opportunity to help other women achieve their goals and avoid the mistakes I made when I first got started.
5 Ways MLMs are Different Than They Used to Be
Have you ever thought about taking a chance on an MLM opportunity? If joining an MLM makes you nervous, rest assured that MLMs are very different than they used to be. If you are interested in adding a second income, contact me here, or click here to join my team. To see more on how I incorporate my business into my daily life, follow me on Instagram @thecontouredlawyer.